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Ep 102 - New powerlifters: When to compete? How often? Which comps/feds?
Josh describes his amazing time away in Japan, and chats to Will about when novices can/should compete, and with what kind of mindset.
3:43Â The sights & culture of Japan
27:10Â Competition mindset as a...
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Ep 101 - Powerlifters' advice to young lifters
Josh and Will reminisce about when they first started lifting - mistakes and oversights - and what they see in young lifters today.Â
4:20Â Young powerlifters now VS. when we started
17:53Â Patience as a...
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Ep 100 - Our WHY behind coaching
Jordan, Josh, Mikki & Will share why they started training / coaching, and why they're not stopping any time soon.
17:20Â Mikki - education & empowerment
25:40Â Will - confidence &...
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Ep 99 - How fatigued should you feel post-comp?
Josh and Will discuss post-comp blues... what athletes typically think and feel, and how to deal with it productively.
2:53Â Will's knee recovery update
16:34Â What to expect in the Mentorship
23:43Â The...
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Ep 98 - Checklist for your first powerlifting competition day
Josh and Will talk through their first/early comp day experiences - lessons learned, and advice for both lifters and coaches.
5:20 The dreaded first squat nerves
12:43 First BB comp vs. first PL...
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Ep 97 - The most common bench press issue
Josh and Will discuss common bench press mistakes / breakdowns, and how you'd typically address them.
2:10 The bench press is a different beast
12:45Â Recapping our recent comps
21:00Â We're currently...
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Ep 96 - How long in a deficit is too long?
Jordan and Mikki delve into everything you should consider when coming up with your nutritional game plan.
 14:00 Why did you choose this goal?
21:42 Adding vs. changing habits
31:58 The timeline...
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Ep 95 - Bodybuilders still need barbells, ft. James Mac
Josh and Will chat to coach James Mac, about the parallels between strength and hypertrophy training, as well as nutrition misconceptions in a peak.
James:Â https://instagram.com/coachjamesmac
7:12Â How...
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Ep 94 - To train, or not to train hyper-specific? ft. Anna Wishnowsky
Anna sits down with Mikki and Will to chat all things from powerlifting specificity, to multi-faceted athleticism, to how to not spread yourself thin as a...
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Ep 93 - You'll only perform as far as your health, ft. Connor Walsh
Josh & Will chat in-depth with coach Connor Walsh about injuries, PEDs, and the overall health risks that young/new lifters underestimate.
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Ep 92 - Be careful which supplements you take
Josh, Mikki and Will go through their lists of supplement recommendations, warnings and general advice.
6:22Â What makes a good supplement?
12:48 Why we go off blood panels
23:47 How much of the marketing...
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Ep 91 - How to build a bulletproof deadlift
Josh and Will break down what typically goes wrong in the deadlift, and how you can fix each component.
 12:38 Foot and grip placement
24:43Â Learning a proper hinge
34:38Â The role of lats
40:58Â Issues...
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