Get All The Answers To Strengthen Your Powerlifting Coach Authority

Taking you from an uncertain trainer, to a powerhouse leader in just 12 weeks!


Book In A Call - July 2024 Intake

Ready to move your clients out of pain into stronger, bigger and healthier lifters?


Ready to lose those feelings of inadequacy and help your clients hit their PBs?

Join our community of experienced, high-level coaches and get the knowledge, tools and skills to become an effective leader.

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Get information and updates on our 2024 Mentorship Intake.

Why I created this mentorship:

I’m Will Crozier, 'Chief Of Gains' at Nexus Performance, Australia’s strongest under 110kg athlete, and your powerlifting mentor. 

When I first started coaching, I had clients coming and going. I knew they could get better results if they stuck with me. But it seemed like I was speaking a different language. I couldn’t relate to them and it left me feeling like an imposter in my business.

Give me a time machine and I’d go back to the start of my career. I’d do this course before signing up any powerlifting clients. 

It would save me so much frustration. No more second-guessing how to troubleshoot my client’s technique. Or conversations where my clients tuned out because they didn’t understand WTF I was talking about.

By developing this powerlifting mentorship I’m giving you all of the knowledge and skills I’ve gained over the past eight years. Packaged up in an accessible format so you can start applying what you learn straight away.

No information overload. 

You’ll get exactly what you need to know to make the right changes to your coaching. From breaking through a weakness to building a success mindset, you’ll learn everything you need to get clients queueing up at your door.

How does it work?

Over 12 weeks you’ll cover the important theories of:

  • Periodisation models, powerlifting programming principles and specific methods
  • SBD lift mechanics, variations and common issues
  • Hypertrophy application to powerlifting
  • Lifter mindset
  • Recovery principles
  • Nutrition 
  • Plus loads more

All served up in easy to watch videos and group live calls, running you through each point. 

With weekly real-world examples, you’ll quickly absorb each module. Teaching you how to individualise your coaching and lead your clients to epic results.

Knowing super in-depth programming models without understanding biomechanics is almost useless.

Knowing technique without being able to communicate it,
is a failing system.

Knowing how to get somebody strong in the short term is easy - but planning for long term success is a different beast.

The Nexus Mentorship links it all together, giving you a complete understanding of powerlifting coaching.

Other courses can be dry and mind-numbing, so you can’t see how the content is useful. Nexus is never boring.

Book in a call here

12 Modules jam-packed with value

  • Over 12 weeks you’ll discover everything you need to become a highly skilled powerlifting coach who gets the results. We’ll go through the science and the art of what powerlifting is and how to get the most from it.

    Next Intake Starts 1st July 202!
    Limited spots!

    Weekly Interactive Live Lectures
    Weekly Interactive Study Sessions
    Weekly Pre Recorded Content
    New Guest Presenters
    PDF Workbooks, Guides and Homework

Who does this course suit?

If you fit one or more of the statements below, this course is for you.

  • You’re a trainer working in a commercial gym wanting to be known as the strength coach
  • You’re an online coach developing a niche in powerlifting
  • You want to know when clients are comp ready (hint, it’s often not when they think they’re ready)
  • You’re an athlete interested in the application behind powerlifting programming and technique

This is not for you if…

  • You want a magical solution (you’ve got to be willing to learn)
  • You put in a half-arsed effort at coaching your clients (go find yourself a half-arsed mentor)
  • You’re fresh out of personal training studies and don’t have a clue about powerlifting

My mission:

Working with some of the strongest people in the country, and around the world, plus currently holding the Australian record for strongest powerlifter under 110kg means I’ve seen it all. 

I’ve watched people train so hard they get injured over and over without any progression. Chatting with coaches, I’ve heard the same complaints – my client doesn’t follow the powerlifting program I set or I can’t get enough clients to keep my business going.

They ask me what to do and I respond with it depends

Hey, I’m not lazy. I can’t provide an answer without knowing the details of a situation. Every decision depends on the unique individual, in a specific situation to them, working toward a unique goal.

Every choice we make affects another decision. You’ve got to know how it all works together. 

There’s A LOT to consider when you’re looking for an answer. During the mentorship, we’ll map out these answers to each situation. You’ll learn how the decisions affect the overall picture of what's happening. All of a sudden “It depends” will make sense.

And when you step in front of a client, you’ll have everything you’ve learnt ready to go. 

Ready to get the answers?