Ep 78 - Why meal plans are more useful than you think

Season #1

Jordan & Mikki talk all things meal plans: Why? For who? How does it compare to IIFYM?



 15:25 The benefits of meal plans

24:52 It's not as black & white as you think

34:24 Considerations for comp prep

39:18 The nuances of macro splits

53:36 Fruits, veggies & micros

59:28 Cooking doesn't need to be hard


Use discount code ‘NEXUS’: https://join.ganbarumethod.com/programs/powerlifting-programs-will-crozier/

Comp Weight Masterclass 15/01: https://www.nexusperformance.com.au/register-here

Nutrition course commencing 05/02: https://www.nexusperformance.com.au/powerliftingnutrition


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